How I Work

I love real estate and yearn for the next challenge. 

Questions about the market? – Ask me anything and I’ll get you real, practical numbers for your specific property – real estate can change when you cross the street!

Questions about buying and selling strategies? – It can get a little complicated, but nothing overwhelming if it’s explained well – and when it’s time to make the jump, I make sure you are confident and well-informed.

Concerns with the way Realtors behave? – Now we’re getting into some juicy stuff. That’s something I’ve been well versed in since the late 90’s helping in my dad’s office, and more recently while on the Board of Directors with the Hamilton-Burlington Association. Lots of good agents and brokers out there, and lots to watch out for – it’s just something you have to learn through relationships!

Unsure about some clauses in the paperwork? – Luckily, I’m a nerd – I constantly refresh my knowledge and read all the case law examples I can get my hands on – I welcome any challenge on any contract about any clause!

I love to give you value before you ever even hire me, and from there I let the results do the talking. I want my profession to be loved and respected, and I’m contributing the best way I know – add one ethical effective professional.

I’ve filled this website with tips and resources to help you quickly understand what you need to know — and how I deliver results.

I specialize in the Hamilton market – I grew up in a Real Estate family here, I’ve lived and breathed this market for over 25 years. No one knows this city, the way local negotiations work, and how to best buy and sell your home like I do. Any time you want information on the market or your property,  contact me. No obligation, no spam, EVER. Just good information.



Estimating Your Selling Costs

When the time comes to sell your house, you’ll want to determine roughly how much you can expect to net after the sale. To figure that out, you’ll not only need to know how much your house will likely sell for, but also the selling costs you are likely to ...

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Healthy Lighting for Your Home

Recently, researchers discovered that the lighting in your home can have a much greater impact on your health and well-being than originally thought. Better lighting can boost your energy, help you sleep better, and even enhance healing.So, it pays to make sure the lighting in your home has a positive ...

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Help Buyers Understand the Area

There’s a famous saying in the real estate business: “Location, location, location”. It simply means that where your home is located – your community – is just as important to potential buyers as the features of the property itself.Sellers often make the mistake of creating a long list of home ...

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A Quick Household Check Helps Conserve Resources

This is a good time to visually check of all your utilities, fixtures and appliances to make sure they are not using expensive energy and resources inefficiently.Start with the faucets. Ensure they don’t drip when closed. If they do, replace the washers (or in the case of washerless units, the ...

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Not-So-Obvious Home Staging Tips

When it comes to “staging” your home for sale – which basically means ensuring it looks clean and uncluttered – you probably already know the basics: clean the counters, vacuum the floors, mow the lawn, etc.But there are also some less obvious home staging tips that can help to sell ...

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Home Shopping and the Four-Legged Stool

What kind of stool is most likely to keep you from toppling over when you sit on it? Of course, two-legged stools won’t even stand on their own. Three-legged stools are okay, but still unstable. Four-legged stools are rock solid.What does this have to do with shopping for a new ...

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Moisture on Windows

You’re standing by your window admiring the view. Then you notice it. Moisture has built up around the edges of the glass. Should you worry?It all depends on the reason for the build up. Assuming you have traditional double-pane glass in your windows, there are a few things to look for ...

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Should You Worry About Market Fluctuations?

You turn on the television and watch a news story about housing prices going down. Then you read an article about the housing market on the upswing again. It’s a little like being on a roller-coaster ride! Unfortunately, the ride isn’t much fun if you’re thinking of buying or selling a home. ...

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Finding the Perfect “Kid-Friendly” Neighborhood

Fast forward a few years and imagine that your kids have grown up. They’ve come back to the “old neighborhood” to reminisce. What will they remember? The playground where they hung out with their friends? The quiet cul-de-sac where they learned to ride their bikes? The park where they picnicked ...

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Will Your Furniture Fit?

When shopping for a new house or condo, most buyers consider factors such as neighborhood, proximity to schools, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, size of the kitchen, and more.These are, of course, all important considerations. But, there’s one question that few buyers ask until it’s too late: “Will our furniture ...

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